This section will focus on recurring custom incentives. Recurring incentives repeat on a frequency (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Annually, Custom).
There are five possible states of an incentive:
- Draft: incentive is not launched
- Upcoming: incentive will launch
- Live: incentive is launched
- Ended: incentive has ended
- Paused: incentive has been placed on hold
You can make a copy of any incentive.
You can pause a live or upcoming incentive.
You can only delete a draft incentive.
- Click on the Incentives tab on the menu. This will show all your existing incentives and where you can create new ones.
- Select the “Create New Incentive” button on the right to get started.
- Select “Edit” next to the Incentive section.
- In this section, you will name your incentive plan and provide a description. NOTE: All of this is internally facing and will never be shown to the employees. Under Incentive Type, select “Ritual Credits (Recurring)”
- Once “Ritual Credits (Recurring)” is selected, fill out the incentive amount, currency unit, and the frequency at which it will recur (select “Custom”). From here, you have the ability to input a numerical value that it will repeat on AND then you select if it repeats daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly.
Custom Daily:
When creating a customized daily recurring incentive you must, at minimum, have it repeat every 2 days. There’s no maximum number of repeated days set.
This example shows that employees will receive $15 every 4 days starting February 14 and can be used only on February 14 from 10am - 2pm. Then they will be given another $15 to be used between 10am - 2pm on February 22, February 26, March 2 and so on.
Custom Weekly:When creating a customized weekly recurring incentive you must, at minimum, have it repeat every 1 weeks. There’s no maximum number of repeated weeks set.
This example shows that employees will receive $45 starting February 14 at 7am (available for 5 days) until February 18th at 7pm. Then they’ll get another $45 3 weeks later starting March 7th at 7am until March 11th at 7pm. Then again 3 weeks later, another $45 to be used starting March 28th at 7am until April 1st at 7pm.
Custom Monthly:
When creating a customized monthly recurring incentive you must, at minimum, have it repeat every 1 month. There’s no maximum number of repeated months set.
This example shows that employees will receive $10 starting February 14 at 7am and has to be used that day until 5pm. It’s being repeated every 2 months (April, June, August etc.)
On the “Repeats” drop down menu, there is another option to make your incentive available every 2 months on the day of week selected (i.e. 2nd Monday of the month) instead of the numerical date selected (i.e. 14th of every month).
The example below shows starting on February 14th is selected (which is a Monday, and happens to the be 2nd Monday within the month of February). The option can be to repeat the incentive on the 2nd Monday of every month.Custom Yearly:
When creating a customized yearly recurring incentive you must, at minimum, have it repeat every 1 year. There’s no maximum number of repeated years set.
This example shows that the employees will get $25 on February 17 2022, available only that day from 6:30am - 11pm. It will repeat every 4 years so February 17 2026, 2030, 2034 etc.
- After pressing “Save” when customizing your incentive, you will be brought back to the incentive summary page where you can see the changes you just made. From here, you can continue on with the incentive creation process and add employees, restrictions restaurants etc. Every time you complete a section it will land you back on this page to give a high level summary of what you’ve just configured.